Genetic Therapy and the Industrial Uncertainties

Last week, EMA approved Strimvelis for the treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID). It is the second genetic therapy approved by EMA after Glybera was cleared in 2012. The usual discussion goes around rarity, investment and pricing, which have been set at very high levels with a few unknowns on efficacy and long term safety. But it has to raise a parallel question, from the industrial and economic perspective.

Empowerment: isn’t it professionals time?

There is no discussion there is an increasing pressure over healthcare professionals. Recent times have just increased that feeling, and there may be some explanations to it. On the one side, the general public is increasing its requirements to the healthcare system, possibly poised by the press pressure of the apparent exciting results on healthcare. Not to say that it is ever more difficult to deliver significant improvements in healthcare, as major breakthroughs seem to have gone by. On the other side the financial pressure, where budgets have been cut, access is reduced or restricted and increasing scrutiny is posed on every euro spent.

hitt col·labora amb el Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona pel desenvolupament d’un estudi sobre malalties rares

El Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona (COMB) i Health Innovation Technology Transfer (HITT) han signat un acord de col·laboració per a la realització de l’estudi “La valoració del finançament de les malalties rares”, amb l’objectiu de disposar d’una eina que ajudi al desenvolupament de millors i més adequades polítiques de salut en aquest àmbit.

hitt participa en el desayuno ilS sobre Market Access y Acuerdos Innovadores – Barcelona 25 de febrero

El próximo jueves 25 de febrero hitt participará en la mesa redonda sobre Acceso al Mercado y Acuerdos Innovadores en España convocada por Insights in Life Sciences (ilS) i CataloniaBio, que tendrá lugar en el Parc Científic de Barcelona y contará con la participación de representantes del Institut Cataàà d’oncología, CatSalut y Almirall.

Unacceptable untreated Pain: time for action

I had yesterday a very interesting discussion about pain and pain treatment, why is it accepted to have a certain level of pain and what to do to improve untreated pain. In the United States, in 2011 the annual cost of untreated pain is reported to be between US$560–US$635 billion[1]. The discussions were about drugs, drug interactions, side effects, convenience, adherence, patient preferences and even about culture and religious beliefs.